Monday, 19 May 2014



The biggest threat to self-developers is lacking the energy to reach their goals. This can happen in three main ways: through physical tiredness; mental exhaustion; or emotional and spiritual fatigue. These three energy drains can be restored with three kinds of energy source, what we can call “super-energy”.

 Physical Energy
A programme of regular exercise and aerobic fitness creates the physical energy necessary to see us through to our goals.Aerobic exercise is any exercise which is done “with air”. It includes walking, ski-ing, running, jogging, rowing, and physical lovemaking. The benefit of aerobic exercise is that it sends messages to the brain that we need more blood. The body responds by increasing the amount of blood in circulation, ups the level of red blood cells, haemoglobin and plasma and creates masses of additional blood capillaries. The result is more energy and vitality to do what we want.
 Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic exercise can have beneficial effects on all parts of the body:
• on the lungs. Aerobic exercise draws replenishing oxygen into the capillaries of the lungs and helps to
eliminate waste
• on the heart. A healthy heart beats less per minute than an unhealthy heart. This means that it has less work
to do and so is more efficient.
• on the brain. 40% of our blood supply goes to the brain and feeds it oxygen. The more blood we produce as
a result of aerobic fitness, the more productive are our brains.
• on the muscles. The muscles become leaner, finer and longer. When they are strong, they also act as minipumps
for the heart.
• other effects. Other effects of aerobic fitness are that the digestive system is massaged and cleansed; we sleep
better; and we feel psychologically better.
Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is essential in creating a healthy bloodstream, the foundation of all good health. As well as filling you with fresh air, deep abdominal breathing relaxes the solar plexus, the source of much of our tension, and internally massages the stomach muscles. It also activates the lymph system to oxygenate each cell of your body and remove waste. Breathing is life. When we think of life, we think of animation and the Latin root for animation, “anima”, means both “breath” and “soul”. Breathing is the soul of life. Yet many people do not breath properly. They breath in shallow bursts, erratically and only with the lungs. The result is that they do not attain a state of relaxation or full energy.
There are two keys to deep breathing:
1. exhale all the air from your body before you breath in
2. inhale using your abdominal muscles. As you fill your abdomen with air, your lungs also expand and gradually you fill with air up to your throat.
As well as filling you with fresh air, abdominal breathing relaxes the solar plexus, the source of much of our tension, andinternally massages the stomach muscles.
The quality, quantity and type of food you eat makes a significant difference to your health and fitness and so to your energy levels. Put simply, you are what you eat. A number of dietary principles have been established for years as being the basis of good health. These include...
• eating fresh food
• eating a varied diet
• eating plenty of water-rich foods
• eating less
• listening to what your body needs.
The brain needs to be well-nourished to provide all the energy it is capable of. Foods that are good for the brain include: oils from fish such as mackerel and salmon; carrots which contain vitamin A, good for scavenging up free radicals that can attack the brain; vitamin B1, found in wholemeal bread, vegetables and cereals, which helps burn up the carbohydrates which provide the brain with its energy; iron in liver, eggs and leafy vegetables which assists in bringing oxygen to the brain; and linoleic acid, part of the make-up of brain membranes, which is found in polyunsaturated fats.

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